Friday, December 4, 2009

Holiday Greens

The holidays wouldn't be the same without our evergreens.  Natural greens such as holly and ivy have been linked to Christmas decorating as far back as the 1500s.  I grew up on a farm where we went into the woods in search of the perfect tree.  It was always exciting to choose a tree.  I also would enlist my Dad's help in cutting spruce, pine, and holly boughs to hang on the mantle, bookcases or whatever surface I could attach them to.  In this first picture I have used pine boughs, ornaments, and a bird's nest to make a statement on a large entertainment cabinet.  I first cut out a plastic garbage bag to fit the top of the cabinet. This will protect the cabinet from any dripping pine sap.  I then laid the pine boughs on top of the plastic and began decorating them.  

In this next photo, I placed a wreath in the window decorated for the holidays.  When the view out of the window is no longer green, it is nice to have this festive wreath to draw the eye.  The greenery reminds us that the view out of the window will once again be beautiful.

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