Monday, February 28, 2011

Black and White Photo Party

I am happy to join Tracy at her blog Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures for a black and white photo party.   I love playing around with the photo editing software to get more looks out of my photos.  I have found out there is a lot I can learn about my photography in the black and white editing process.

Texture will often show up really well in black and white.
Italian Mardi Gras masks from Epcot, Walt Disney World.

 Pattern and form can be dramatic in black and white.
Color can be distracting.  I have trouble telling how well the lighting is working here.  In black and white you can check your lighting, the color isn't grabbing your eye and distracting you.

 This is even a better example of how distracting color can be

Here, you can really see how well this castle is lit.  This is value.

Here is another example of texture.

Here different lighting is nice in black and white.

Lighting again is highlighted here in black and white.

In this photo there is bokeh, light, and line all working together for a different composition.
I can really learn a lot by trying black and white in the editing.  I don't always use the photo that way, but it highlights some of the basic elements of art and design: line, shape, value, space, and texture.  
Thank you Tracy for these photography parties!  I continue to learn more and more about visual arts through the camera lens.  Go and visit Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures
for more photography and more parties to come. 

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